Thor's Quest Continues

What is Thor?
Thor represents more than just another source of the products that make your job easier. He also represents a fundamental shift in how these products are produced and made available to you. This shift is the result of the melding of three overwhelmingly powerful forces that will shape the future.
The first force is the expiration of the patents on an increasing number of the active ingredients in the product PMP's use. Active ingredients that are the sole domain of large multi-national chemical companies are more and more the exception instead of the rule.
The second force is an ever increasing worldwide expertise in producing these active ingredients. Gone are the days when only a handful of multi-national chemical companies could produce these ingredients. Any manufacturing advantage that these companies had has long been ceded to lower cost, more efficient producers.
The third force is the tremendous change in the way the economy moves manufactured goods from producer to end user. Movements of goods between producers and end users have been fundamentally and irrevocably altered by inventions and innovations such as the internet, UPS/FEDEX, email, fax, voicemail and mobile phone.
Thor is the personification of our effort to meld these forces into a single unified force for change. Those that welcome and embrace this effort will be generously rewarded.
What is Thor's mission?Thor's mission is to be the premiere vertically integrated supplier of termite and pest management products to the structural pest control industry. Thor will in time make or source every significant off-patent structural pest control active ingredient, formulate them into products with high added value and distribute them directly to PMPs. Thor will fundamentally change over the next five years the way smart PMPs source products and do business.
What is different about Ensystex and Thor (compared to the traditional supply chain)?
Ensystex works completely outside the traditional Pest Management Professional supply chain selling manufacturer direct to PMPs. Thor products are not a re-packing of another company's product. They're not a sub-brand or sub-registration. Ensystex owns the technical and end use active ingredient registrations for all its Thor products and formulates them all in house.

This approach (of securing its own registrations) has required a significant investment on the part of Ensystex. However, because of this investment and the freedom it has created. Ensystex has total flexibility to compete in the Pest Management Professional supplier marketplace.
Ensystex is committed to reinvesting the profit it makes off of what you buy from us back into a continually expanding range of value-priced Thor Pest Management products. The day will come when Ensystex will market every active ingredient that you use every day. And sooner than you might think.
How can Ensystex successfully compete against the existing lineup of multinational chemical companies and their distributors?
Over the last 10 years, Ensystex has developed the expertise to synthesize, source, formulate, manufacture, promote and distribute a wide range of Pest Managemnet Professional actives and products. Based on the experience we have gained and what we have learned int he process of creating this lineup, we are highly confident that we can meet any present or future challenge with regards to manufacturing and supplying any Pest Managment product. When the next active comes off patent, we will be there registering and selling it. It's as simple as that.
What advantages does Ensystex have as a manufacturer and supplier?
Our manufacturer direct approach to supplying you gives us total flexibility in the market.
First, and foremost, when you buy our products you are dealing directly with your supplier. No distributers or other parties are between you and us. If you want to talk directly with upper management about the situation, all you have to do is pick up the phone. Try this with any of our competitors.
Second, we are in complete control of all aspects of putting our products in your hands - manufacturing, marketing, distribution and support. Our smaller size (compared to our competitors) allows us to maneuver as quickly int he marketplace as needed. If there's a problem, we're on it. If there is an opportunity to market a new product ot improve an existing product, we can respond as quickly or quicker than any of our competitors.
Third, Ensystex is a private, closely held business. Ensystex doesn't have the same constraints with regard to moving forward on new products or improving existing ones that large public companies such as our competitors often face. There are no committees or deep layers of management that have to be cut through to get moving on an opportunity or to take care of a problem.
What about service?
Thor is supported by 20 direct field representatives located throughout the United States. These individuals are ready to help you gain the most out of doing business with Thor. One is near you and is ready to answer your questions. If you call now, you could be talking to one of our representatives in just a few minutes.
How long does it take to get started with Thor?
Give us a call. We can normally set you up the same day. Toll Free 1-866-FOR-THOR.